- Moonrise, moonset, moon phase and position calculator for cities in the world. Get moon phase or distance for whole month (or year) or just find out when will be full moon or how old is current lunar cycle. Start with searching country (or city):
Moonrise and moonset times will be in local timezone for shown city. Except on map page, where you can choose the time zone and coordinates.
Period: | |
Current: | Warsaw Moonrise, Moonset, Moon phase |
Year: | 2024 |
Month: | 12, 2024 |
Day: | 2024-12-20, 00-24 |
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The idea: .5deg = 0.5° angle. This is the view angle of Sun and Moon from Earth. Calculation:
*Source:, moon facts (Retrieved:: 2017-11-29)
km=kilometers, mi=miles. 1 kilometers ≈ 0.62137 miles; Source: km=>mi