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What is •
- Moonrise: Moment of the rising of the moon above the horizon

- Moonset: The disappearance of the moon below the horizon

- Moon phase: Phases in one lunar cycle: new moon, first quarter, full moon, third quarter, new moon. Phases in one lunar cycle ≈ 29.530589 [Day].
- Moon illumination %: Illuminated area of moon divided by total area of the disk (full moon) multiplied by 100. On, moon illumination is simulated (not photographed).

- Moon illumination angle: Angle of illuminated area relative to horizon (right = 0°). Illuminated part always points toward the sun.

- Altitude (Moon) - angle of the Moon relative to the Earth's horizon (0°=center of moon is at horizon.)

- Azimuth (Moon) - Compass direction of the Moon, relative to North (0°=North, 180°=South, 90°=East, 270°=West)

- View angle - angular diameter of the Moon.

- Diameter of the Moon: DMoon = 3 474 km = 2 159 mi
- Distance Earth ↔ Moon (Center-to-center)

- Distance: City ↔ Moon (nearest point)

- Latitude: Geographic coordinate that specifies the north–south position of a point on the Earth's surface. Angle between equator and location. (-90° = south pole, 0 = equator, +90 = north pole)

- Longitude: A geographic coordinate that specifies the east-west position of a point on the Earth's surface. Angle between prime meridian and location (-180..180°)

- GMT(*) = Difference from Greenwich Mean Time in hours. Example:

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