
Position: 5deg > Moon > Bahrain >

Bahrain Moon position, Moon phase

Moon rise, moonset time or position of the Moon in Bahrain depend of the location in country (latitude, longitude and local timezone). East part of Bahrain (city with largest Longitude - from our database which include 9 cities):
Al Ḩadd, Moonrise: 12:30:00, Moonset: 01:38:00 (Local time)
West part of Bahrain, (city with smallest Longitude):
Dār Kulayb, Moonrise: 12:31:00, Moonset: 01:38:00 (Local time)

Current Moon phase in Bahrain:
Moon illumination: 61.47%,   Moon phase: 0.29(×100%). Current distance of the moon is approximately: 399835 km
248446 mi
View angle 0.498°, Moon age: 8 Day, 11 hours, 18 minutes. Remaining time until next full moon: 6d 23h 58m 35s.

  Largest West← East→ North↑ South↓
City Manama Dār Kulayb Al Ḩadd Al Muharraq Dār Kulayb
Latitude ↕ 26.228 26.069 26.246 26.257 26.069
Longitude ↔ 50.586 50.504 50.654 50.612 50.504
Local timezone GMT+03 GMT+03 GMT+03 GMT+03 GMT+03
Moonrise 12:30:00 12:31:00 12:30:00 12:30:00 12:31:00
Moonset 01:38:00 01:38:00 01:38:00 01:38:00 01:38:00

Cities in Bahrain

Find the city for more information about moonrise, moonset, phases and position of the Moon.

Top 10 cities, sort by size:

Manama Al Muharraq Ar Rifā‘ Dār Kulayb Madīnat Ḩamad Madīnat ‘Īsá Sitrah Jidd Ḩafş Al Ḩadd

Top 100 cities, sort in ABC order:

Al Ḩadd Al Muharraq Ar Rifā‘
Dār Kulayb
Jidd Ḩafş
Madīnat Ḩamad Madīnat ‘Īsá Manama