Prague, Czech Republic (Praha) Moonrise, Moonset, Moon position (Altitude, Azimuth), Moon phase and Moon illumination for day: 2024-10-20. All times are shown in Prague local time (GMT+01:00). Moonrise: 19:17, Moonset: 11:51. Approximate distance of the Moon from Earth: 371 673 km230 947 mi. Moon illumination minimal/maximal: 83.69% / 91.32%
The age of the Moon in current lunar cycle: 18.1 (Day)
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Table view of above data:
Time | Altitude | Azimuth | Moon illumination |
000 | 47.2° | 111° | 91.3% |
100 | 55.4° | 127.5° | 91% |
200 | 61.6° | 149.8° | 90.8% |
300 | 64.4° | 178.4° | 90.5% |
400 | 62.4° | 207.6° | 90.2% |
500 | 56.7° | 231° | 89.9% |
600 | 48.8° | 248.3° | 89.6% |
700 | 40° | 261.9° | 89.3% |
800 | 30.9° | 273.3° | 89% |
900 | 21.8° | 283.8° | 88.7% |
1000 | 13.2° | 294.1° | 88.4% |
1100 | 5.2° | 304.5° | 88.1% |
1200 | -1.9° | 315.5° | 87.7% |
1300 | -7.4° | 327.2° | 87.4% |
1400 | -11.4° | 339.6° | 87.1% |
1500 | -13.5° | 352.7° | 86.8% |
1600 | -13.5° | 6° | 86.4% |
1700 | -11.4° | 19.1° | 86.1% |
1800 | -7.3° | 31.5° | 85.8% |
1900 | -1.7° | 43.1° | 85.4% |
2000 | 5.4° | 53.9° | 85.1% |
2100 | 13.4° | 64.1° | 84.7% |
2200 | 22.1° | 74° | 84.4% |
2300 | 31.2° | 84.2° | 84.1% |
2400 | 40.5° | 95.1° | 83.7% |